A true Commercial No Documentation/ Stated Income loan Program. The perfect type of loan if you can’t provide tax returns for some reason or don’t want to provide tax returns because of excessive write-offs that keep you from qualifying at your local commercial bank. That’s fine. We don’t care what your tax returns show – No debt to income ratio (DTI) review ever. Even with a bankruptcy over two years ago, you can still qualify for a stated income mortgage. This program lets you refinance up to 85% residential loans and 75% Commercial loans of your appraised commercial property or investment residential value.
Loan amounts from $75,000 to $20,000,000+
NO Financials, No 4506, All Property Uses
NO FICO Score Requirements, Bad Fico Ok
NO Tax Returns, No Doc, Stated Options
NO Debt-to-Income Ratio Requirements
NO Debt Service Coverage Ratio Requirements
1-4 family, 5+ Multifamly, Office, Industrial, Mutli-purpose building
NO Red Tape "Make Sense Underwriting"
All Property Types, All Property Conditions
Self Employed Borrowers, Wage, No Doc
Stated Income Loans
Recent Foreclosure or Short Sale or BK Ok
Business Purpose and Commercial Use Only
No Seasoning Requirements Title or Funds
Purchase, Refinance, Cash-Out Equity, Mezzanine
Residential & Commercial & Industrial & AG/Land
We provide an uncomplicated loan process from a common sense point of view and fast loan approvals. Most transactions closing within 7-14 days of loan application. Blanket loans are available if needed.
Start by contacting Oxford Business Capital today by email or
Phone: 800-207-0146 Ext. 700 or Cell 919-949-1072