Loan Guidelines for Medical Property Financing
Eligible Property Types: This includes office space for dentists, internists, veterinarians, surgeons, physical therapists and other health professionals.
Loan Size: USDA: $250,000 – $5,000,000;
SBA: $250,000 – $5,000,000
Eligible Locations: Nationwide
Loan Term Amortization: USDA: Maximum 30 years; SBA: Maximum
25 years
Collateral: First position mortgage as certified by title search
and title policy on property. First security interest
under UCC-1 on all business assets is generally
Loan Escrows: The borrower may be required to contribute
monthly to an escrow account for real estate taxes
and property insurance.
Appraisal: Complete summary appraisal required.
Environmental Screen or Phase 1: Required
Eligible Principals: U.S. citizens, permanent resident aliens.
Majority principal owners cannot be on
probation or parole.
Recourse: Every loan will be personally guaranteed by any
shareholder with 20% or more ownership in the